School started today. Got up at five forty.
Not. Fun.
For the entire day, in every SINGLE class, all we learned were rules.
My Schedule...
1st period- Statistics. The teacher seems pretty awesome.
But its math. Me + Math = Bad things.
2nd period- English III Honors. I think it's gonna be a fun class.
Except for all of the video projects we will have to do.
3rd period- Chemistry. My Teacher is insane. She doesn't like me already.
She said she could "see the talking" in my eyes. Whaaat? No.
4th period- Visual Communications. I'm really excited for this class!
The first half is going to be about design and such, and the second half
is all about photography! Woo!
5th period- AP U.S. History. This is going to be a haaaard class.
Which I knew going into it. But, I like history, so it's all good.
6th period- Lunch! We have an hour again, which is awesome.
7th- Chamber Choir. This will be...interesting. Since it's a step up
from regular chorus and you had to audition, it's gonna be pretty hard.
But hopefully....a good GPA booster.
8th- Study Hall. This class is insane. There are 200 kids in the cafe
and only one teacher. Not good.
Anyway...after school I came home and relaxed for a while.
Then I met up with some people and we went to target to get some
school stuff then we went out to eat. It was pretty awesome.
It's friday tomorrow.
But it's school.
It makes me want to vomit.
Wow. You sound like me. Vis Com is awesome. So is chamber choir. Are you a junior? B/c those are junior classes here.
Yess I am indeed a junior :)
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